Making a control board firmware release

This section describes how to make a new firmware release using the different subprojects.

Repository layout and files

Firmware is build using the controlboard_fw project. This project contains 4 submodules:
  • gateware - points to spidr4_controlboard_gateware.git, the FPGA gateware for SPIDR4

  • software - points to controlboard_linux.git, Linux OS + applications

  • buildtools - Points to buildtools.git, contains a few simple scripts for versioning and template rendering,

  • updatetools - Points to updatetools.git, to contains tools for making SD card images and such.

In addition it contains the continuous integration script for gitlab: .gitlab-ci.yml, containing a script for building the firmware and generating the SD card images. It is triggered when a tag is committed.

Updating the control-board application

If the control board main application has changed, this change must be included in Petalinux.

Tagging the control board application

For Petalinux to checkout the correct version of the control-board application, we must tag the the application it self.

In controlboard_app make sure you are on the correct commit, and tag the version, then push the tags to the remote repository:

controlboard_app$ git tag v1.0.0b3
controlboard_app$ git push --tags

See ‘versioning’ (todo) section on the versioning conventions used.

Updating the Petalinux yocto recipe

In controlboard_linux, update the recipe filename to reflect the new tag, and then commit and push it:

controlboard_linux$ cd ctrl2019_1/project-spec/meta-user/recipes-apps/control
controlboard_linux$ git mv
controlboard_linux$ git commit -m "Bumped control app to v1.0.0b2"
controlboard_linux$ git push

Where and must be replaced by the old and new tag respectively. Note that it is important that the part after the underscore (_) and before the .bb match the version tag, excluding the v-prefix.

Now we’re ready to update the firmware.

Procedure for updating the the submodules

Before a new release can be made, first the submodules must be updated, in order to include the changes you want to.

Updating the gateware

To update the gateware to the latest master, go to the gateware directory and pull it from its origin:

controlboard_fw$ cd gateware
controlboard_fw/gateware$ git pull origin master

Updating the software

For the software, it is the same:

controlboard_fw$ cd software
controlboard_fw/software$ git pull origin master

You should see the rename of the recipe in the logging output of the pull

Tagging and initiating the build

Now that we’ve updated all the subparts of the firmware project we can commit it. First add the submodule directories in the root of the controlboard_fw project.

Note that I use the same tag for the firmware as I do for the control board application, but this is not mandatory.

All that is left to do is to initate the CI script by pushing the tag:

Go to the pipelines overview at the SPIDR4 controlboard_fw project to see the pipeline in progress:

You should see something like the following:

gitlab-ci pipeline in progress

Step-by-step gitlab-ci script guide

In this last section we’ll walk through the gitlab-ci script in the controlboard_fw repository, explaining each stage. The gitlab-ci script defines a ‘pipeline’ for building the firmware. A pipeline consists of some declarations and one or more job sections. Each job contains a script with building instructions.

Default variables

The first section of the .gitlab-ci.yml script starts with the variable declarations.

  parallel: 2
  PUBL_USER: spidr4
  PUBL_ROOT: /var/www/spidr4/html/releases/firmware
  PACKAGE_PREFIX: spidr4-firmware
Important variables are:
  • PUBL_HOST is the host system to which the firmware release must be copied.

  • PUBL_USER is the user on the host system to use for this.

  • PUBL_ROOT provides the directory in which the firmware releases must be placed, on the publication host.

  • PACKAGE_PREFIX is the prefix used for packaging, pre-pended as the package name.

For the remaining variables, please see the gitlab-ci script reference guide:


The next section declares the stages:

  - synth
  - build
  - image
  - deploy

Each ‘job’ is bound to a stage, which provides an ordering. For example, jobs bound to build will be executed after after jobs bound to synth.

Generic properties for each job

The next section defines a common set of properties named ‘generic’ for jobs.

.generic: &generic
    - tags
    - web
    expire_in: 3 months

In this case the triggering (only when triggered by web, or when a tag is created). This common set of properties can be referenced by actual jobs. Also artifacts from the build will be stored by gitlab-ci for 3 months. Note that this is not related to the actual storage on, just how long gitlab-ci stores it together with the job logs. It can be seen as an ‘abstract super class’ for jobs, which can be inherited by any job.

FPGA synthesis

The following section is the actual FPGA synthesis step:

  <<: *generic
  stage: synth
  timeout: 1 hours 30 minutes
    - piava
    - shell
    - cd gateware/scripts/
    - ./
    - gateware/synt_output

This actually executes the gateware ci-script, which generates the FPGA image and the hardware description file. It inherits the properties of ‘generic’. It is bound to the synth step, and has a timeout of 1 and ha half hours. The tags ‘piava’ and ‘shell’ dictate it must use a runner ( which has these tags. The actual script simply executes, which does the synthesis and related. The artifacts, e.g. the FPGA image and hardware description file are stored in gateware/synth_output, and will be persisted during the build, and downloadable as an item of the job.

Software build

The next section describes how to build the software.

<<: *generic
stage: build
timeout: 1 hours 30 minutes
  # Source build environment
  - source /localstore/et/vincentb/plx2019.1/
  # Get version (tag/hash)
  - VERSION=`python3 buildtools/`
  - echo $VERSION >version.env
  # Inject into petalinux 'version' (/etc/petalinux/version)
  - sed -i "s/non-ci-build/${VERSION/\//\\/}/g" software/ctrl2019_1/project-spec/configs/config
  - cd software/ctrl2019_1
  # Import hardware description
  - petalinux-config --get-hw-description=../../gateware/synt_output --silentconfig
  # Build Linux image
  - petalinux-build
  # Package boot image
  - petalinux-package --boot --force --format BIN --u-boot --fpga
  - cd ..
  # Make release
  - ./ ctrl2019_1 ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${VERSION}
  - piava
  - shell
    - software/ctrl2019_1/images/linux/BOOT.BIN
    - software/ctrl2019_1/images/linux/image.ub
    - software/ctrl2019_1/images/linux/rootfs.tar.gz
    - software/${PACKAGE_PREFIX}-*.zip
    - version.env

The script section first line sources the Petalinux environment present on host piava. The tags also indicate that the runner must be executed on Piava. This is important! In the future it would be better to have a Petalinux docker container.

The next section creates a version based on the git-tag. If there is no git-tag the branch name will be used. It also inserts this version into the Petalinux configuration prior to build, such that it is inside the rootfs (/etc/petalinux/version).

The remaining part of the script builds and packages the Linux environment.

Various artifacts are stored in the build, and the version.env file is used to store the version, which is used in the next jobs.

SD card creation

The SD card creation is the only part which uses docker. This is required because SD card creation requires mounting of a file (image) and creation of loop back devices. Something which you normally do not have the permissions for.

  <<: *generic
  stage: image
  # ci script using docker image to create SD card image (CentOS latest)
    name: centos:latest
    entrypoint: ["/bin/bash","-l","-c"]
    - docker
    - privileged
    # Get version from previous
    - VERSION=`cat version.env`
    # Install / clone required tools
    - yum install -y unzip zip git dosfstools e4fsprogs
    # Check if loop device exists, otherwise create
    - "[ ! -e /dev/loop0 ] && mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0"
    # Run make sd image for docker
    - updatetools/sdimage/ software/${PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${VERSION}.zip
      - software/${PACKAGE_PREFIX}-*

The image section defines the docker container to use. In this case the latest CentOS. This container is pulled for the central docker repository and requires no configuration. The entry point must be modified for it to play nice with docker-ci. See ( for more information on docker.

For docker to work, we must use a runner which support docker, but also runs in privileged mode in order to be allowed to create loop-back devices. A docker runner on Piava was configured with these rights, and uses the tags docker and privileged.

The script retrieves the version stored as an artifact, and installs dependencies required for SD card creation not yet present in the docker container. It creates a loop device, required for SD card creation and then starts the shell-script to generate the actual SD card image.

Finally it stores software/${PACKAGE_PREFIX}-* as an artifact. The wildcard * must be used as the version variable is not present in the gitlab-ci context, but as there is just one file to match, it is not a problem.

Deployment to

The final stage publishes the SD card image to the SPIDR4 download website.

deploy to site:
<<: *generic
stage: deploy
  - piava
  - shell
  # Get version from previous
  - VERSION=`cat version.env`
  - cp software/${PACKAGE_PREFIX}-*.zip ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${VERSION}/.
  - tar -czvf ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${VERSION}.tar.gz ${PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${VERSION}/.

The script creates a directory, copies the SD card ZIP file into this directory, adds a readme file, compresses the whole thing, and finally uses secure shell copy (scp) to copy this to the server. Because the ID of the gitlab-runner user on host piava has been copied to the publication server no password is required.